- Summary: Policy requiring equal lending across neighborhoods could reduce bank presence in economically disadvantaged areas, worsening regional disparities in credit access
We uncover that the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), a major policy aimed to reduce geographic inequality in credit access, can widen disparities across regions, despite enhancing credit equality within certain regions. This adverse effect arises because banks withdraw branches from economically disadvantaged areas to sidestep the rules. As financial activities shift towards shadow banks, the adverse impact of the CRA is amplified, expanding the set of disadvantaged areas suffering from branch withdrawals. Using a regression discontinuity design centered on a CRA eligibility threshold, we estimate banks' shadow costs of violating the CRA. We then show that banks with higher costs of CRA violation retract their branches from disadvantaged areas following the expansion of shadow banks. This retraction results in declines in small business lending, business establishments, and employment, predominantly in low-income neighborhoods within these disadvantaged regions. Such dynamics could contribute to the worsening cross-region disparities in credit access observed over the recent decade.
- NBER Corporate Finance Spring Meeting
- Summary: The banking sector is diverging, with some banks bearing primarily interest-rate risk and others assuming more credit risk, which affects monetary policy transmission and reshapes the industry’s overall risk-maturity profile
We document the emergence of two distinct types of banks over the past decade: high-rate banks, which align deposit rate with market rates, hold shorter-term assets, and primarily earn spreads by taking more credit risk through personal and business loans; and low-rate banks, which offer low, interest-insensitive deposit rates, hold more long-term assets (e.g., MBSs), and make fewer loans. This divergence leads to a significant shift of deposits towards high-rate banks during monetary policy tightening, thereby reducing the sector's overall capacity for maturity transformation and concentrating credit risk among high-rate banks. Our evidence suggest that technological advancements contribute to the divergence: high-rate banks operate primarily online and attract less sticky depositors. In response, low-rate banks lower rates through the retention of relatively stickier depositors.
- NBER Corporate Finance Summer Meeting
- Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Finance
- Summary: Banks' endogenous response to digital disruption can widen inequality in financial inclusion
We study how digital disruption impacts bank competition, considering consumers' heterogeneous digital preferences. We find that the rollout of 3G networks reduced the size of bank branch networks and led to divergence in branching and pricing strategies across banks. These developments benefited young consumers but increased the unbanked rate among poorer and older consumers. A structural model shows that increased perceived digital quality among young borrowers drove banks' adjustments, causing surplus losses for older savers. Counterfactual exercises illustrate that subsidizing older savers opting for mobile banking could effectively offset these disparities at minimal cost, facilitating a smoother digital transition.
Journal of Financial Economics, 161, 2024 code
- Summary: An increase in the Federal Funds Target rate triggers outflows from corporate bond funds, due to stale NAV pricing
We document aggregate outflows from corporate bond mutual funds days before and after the announcement of increases in the Federal Funds Target rate (FFTar). To rationalize this phenomenon, we build a model in which funds’ net-asset-values (NAVs) are stale and investors strategically redeem to profit from the mispricing when they learn about the increases of FFTar. Consistent with the model’s predictions, we find that stale NAVs and loose monetary policy environments weaken (strengthen) outflows sensitivity to increases in FFTar during illiquid (liquid) market conditions. Our results highlight when and how monetary policy could systematically exacerbate the fragility of corporate bond funds.
- Summary: Households respond to very large state public pension deficits by saving more, and by shifting towards safe bank deposits and away from risky stocks
US public state pension deficits are very large, accounting for 18.5% of an average state's GDP and up to 50% in Illinois. In principle, households should respond to this heavy future burden by increasing current savings, particularly in safe assets, since pension deficits are countercyclical. Comparing households residing on opposing sides of a state's border, I document that households in larger-deficit states save more, investing more in safe bank deposits and less in risky stocks. Specifically, households hold 0.70 dollars more in deposits and 0.33 dollars less in stocks for each additional dollar of pension deficit. This effect strengthened further following the implementation of new accounting standards in 2015 that made deficits more salient by requiring states to publicly disclose them. Exploiting staggered state pension reforms, I also find that households respond consistently when states reduce pension deficits; they decrease deposits and increase stock holdings. These reallocations spill over onto local economic activity: as households withdraw deposits following a pension reform, exposed local banks cut lending to local businesses.
- Summary: When passive investors fulfill their fiduciary duty to do governance, they can unintentionally create market inefficiencies
While regulators stress the importance of passive investors' fiduciary duty in corporate governance, we argue that when passive funds fulfill their fiduciary duty to increase a firm’s value, they unintentionally create market inefficiencies. In our model, investors acquire information, optimize portfolios, and affect a firm's value through governance. In equilibrium, bad firms are left governed by passive investors, a consequence of market clearing. Therefore, when passive investors increase a firm's value, they increase it more for bad firms, reducing information sensitivity and generating market inefficiencies. We offer unique empirical predictions and explore applications on ESG policies and product market competition.
- Summary: Local demand for Bitcoin surges under high economic policy uncertainty, mainly due to distrust of government
This paper uncovers a novel phenomenon of flight-to-Bitcoin (FTB) whereby local demand for Bitcoin increases with local economic policy uncertainties. FTB holds across Bitcoin demand proxies including local premiums over the US market, turnover, and web traffic on cryptocurrency exchanges. We find that FTB is mainly driven by a lack of confidence in local authorities. Consistent with this interpretation, FTB is stronger during corruption incidents and Bitcoin ownership shifts from centralized exchanges to decentralized wallets amid turbulence. A comparison with safe-haven assets further differentiates FTB from other forms of flight-to-safety. The evidence collectively illustrates one overlooked motivation of Bitcoin investment: investors hold Bitcoin to mitigate their concerns about local authorities.
- Award: Runner-up in the 2019 Toronto FinTech Conference
- Summary: Kyle's lambda can be negative when informed investors trade via limit orders. We develop a structural model to quantify dynamics of high-frequency trades' price impact
This paper develops a structural model to examine high-frequency price dynamics. The key innovation is to allow trades' permanent price impact to be time-varying—dynamic trade informativeness. A distribution-free filtering technique pins the real-world data to the model. The filtered series (i) significantly recover the efficient price innovation through the dynamics of trade informativeness, (ii) improve trades' explanatory power for future returns, (iii) distinguish informativeness from trades' aggressiveness, (iv) gauge informed investors' patience, and (v) capture systematic patterns around scheduled and unscheduled events, as well as general intraday trends. The framework contributes to the better utilization of high-frequency trading data.
- Award: Best Paper by a Young Researcher Award in 2018 CEPR-Imperial-Plato Market Innovator (MI3) Conference
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 38, 2020
- Summary: Propose a new method to quantify CoVaR based on extreme value theory
The global financial crisis of 2007–2009 revealed the great extent to which systemic risk can jeopardize the stability of the entire financial system. An effective methodology to quantify systemic risk is at the heart of the process of identifying the so-called systemically important financial institutions for regulatory purposes as well as to investigate key drivers of systemic contagion. The article proposes a method for dynamic forecasting of CoVaR, a popular measure of systemic risk. As a first step, we develop a semi-parametric framework using asymptotic results in the spirit of extreme value theory (EVT) to model the conditional probability distribution of a bivariate random vector given that one of the components takes on a large value, taking into account important features of financial data such as asymmetry and heavy tails. In the second step, we embed the proposed EVT method into a dynamic framework via a bivariate GARCH process. An empirical analysis is conducted to demonstrate and compare the performance of the proposed methodology relative to a very flexible fully parametric alternative.
Dependence Modeling, 1, 2013